Saturday, October 27, 2018

Taking Back My Gold Tips

Ever since fascists came into our communities and appropriated our street fashions as their uniform as a cynical recruitment tool, we've time and again had to reclaim our clothes, our music, even our slang from them.  Regular mates can drink and smoke and listen to music and obsess over clothes without caring for a person's skin color or religion or anything.  She's not "my trans friend", she's not "my friend" - I don't own people.  We're mates.  I say, "a friend".  But I DO, however, say MY culture.  MY style.  MY GOLD TIPS (so named because the fascists, if IG/etc. are any indication, can't tell the difference between Champagne and Bright Yellow - LOL losers)

So here's an equal opportunity FUCK OFF to all fucking carpetbagging fascists coming into our neighborhoods and ruining our communities.  Go back where you came from.

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